The MPHS curriculum is designed accelerate your population-based clinical outcomes research expertise. Courses and assignments are structured to give you the foundation to excel in leading, designing, conducting, and moving research to applications in clinical settings.

Core & Elective Courses

All MPHS students take 7 required core courses: the clinical epidemiology series, the clinical biostatistics series, grant writing, intro to R and ethics in population and clinical health research. Most of these core courses are completed during the fall semester, and most elective courses are offered in the spring semester. Elective courses can be chosen based on if you choose to follow our Clinical Epidemiology or Health and Equity and Disparities concentrations as well as your career goals.

Students are strongly encouraged to meet with program leadership before starting the MPHS program to discuss goals and course planning. 

Research Projects & Assignments

The MPHS program uses applied coursework, which means you use your own research projects and interests for class discussions and assignments. This format helps our students apply and master research concepts quickly and maximizes research productivity during their time in the program.  

For example, students will write and design research protocols, systematic reviews and meta-analysis, grant proposals, and more. Additionally, our instructors select case studies, prioritize reading lists, and shape class discussions from current, in-the-news clinical outcomes research and population health topics. 

Students are not required to complete a research project for graduation. The focus in the MPHS program is on the practice and mastery of clinical research skill sets for long-term benefit.

Students are encouraged to have a primary mentor connected to their research while in the MPHS program. If needed, our program leadership can help students find a research project or mentor. 

Learn More

Learn more about our courses, including descriptions, instructors and syllabi:

MPHS faculty members: Please visit the Clinical Research Training Center website for available teaching resources