Required elective courses for this concentration: (total 14 credits)

  • Introduction to Health Disparities and the Structural and Social Determinants of Health (2cr)
  • One of the following courses:
    • Applied Qualitative Methods for Health Research
    • Dissemination and Implementation Science
    • Randomized Controlled Trials
    • Principles of Shared Decision Making and Health Literacy in the Clinical Setting
  • 9 additional credits of elective courses with approval from the program leadership

The competencies to be demonstrated at the end of the program expand on the overall MPHS and include:

  • Achieve competency in explaining how social and structural determinants of health produce and maintain health disparities across each phase of disease development in individuals and populations.
  • Identify appropriate methodologies and strategies for assessing and addressing health disparities in their research.
  • Understand the importance of involving community partners and stakeholders in health disparities research.
  • Evaluate the quality and comparability of epidemiologic data and draw inferences from epidemiologic data to guide practice guidelines.